Thorny Bottom is mostly private land in farm and subdivision. Downhill is a calcareous oak forest that we will sample next. The creekbed is dry and not noticable. Next to plot is a sinkhole with tulip tree - tulip treeis dominant on cooler slopes. Upslope is another quick change to chestnut oak / mtn. laurel;Lower middle slope on warm shoulder slope formed above a small side drain to Thorny Bottom. Site is above a geology break to limestone, but may be influenced by limestone. Forest is dominated by small to medium size white oak with some red oak. The stand appears to have been pre-commercially thinned, with rotted stumps and fallen trunks left on site. Tall shrub layer is sparse, probably due to browsing. There is some cover by blueberries, but herb layer is very diverse.
Small patch of white oak dominated forest on SW aspect, unlike other sub-acidic forests sampled in this area of the GWNF. Tulip trees are mostly on E side of plot (ecotone) - white oak continues to W and downslope.